Welles Park, has been our home for the past few years but it will be hosting a music festival this weekend. So it has been decided that Chicago Inner Circle will be celebrating it's eighth year of existence at Revere Park on Irving Park Rd. and Campbell this Sunday at 12pm. You are all invited for BBQ & Footbag all afternoon. We'll be set up with a grill and providing some food, several coolers to store cold drinks, and folding chairs for chillaxing. Guests are encouraged to bring their own food & drinks to help feed the masses (or just yourselves) and anything else to make your afternoon more enjoyable.

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Revere is just 1/2 mile South of Welles Park on Irving Park rd & Campbell. It's about 2 miles East off the Irving Park exit on 90/94. Notice there a couple other parks in the area. Keep going east right past those 2 parks, cross the bridge over the river and go one block past the stop light (on Rockwell) and make a right turn to head south on Campbell. The parking lot entrance should be on 1/4 block down on your right.

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1. Parking lot entrance
2. Freestyle will be set up in the tennis courts.
3. Net & 4-Square will be set up between the 2 east baseball fields.
4. There is an Ultimate Frisbee league playing there also. Hopefully, we won't be in each other's way.
Revere Park
2509 W Irving Park Rd
Chicago, IL 60618
Hope to see you all there,
Zeke- sorry I won't be able to make it to the Inner Circle Jam - we just have too much family stuff crammed in for this weekend! Great post though!
Thanks to everyone that came, hope you all had a good time
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